Posted under News
Deep seascapes of the Great Barrier Reef
Uncovering submarine canyons and landslides along the continental margin of the Great Barrier Reef. Transit voyage from Brisbane to Darwin to relocate the vessel in preparation …
AIRBOX to study the polar atmosphere
AIRBOX to study the polar atmosphere A mobile air chemistry laboratory called AIRBOX travelled on theĀ Aurora AustralisĀ this summer to measure trace gases, aerosols and clouds, as …
Studying the air in Antarctica
Every day our atmosphere has to find a way to clean itself of the air, sea and soil pollution we throw at it. So, in order …
Alex’s RV Investigator blog
The Slow Journey South Here we are on the Australian Research Vessel Investigator in the great swells of the Southern Ocean. It is day 33 …
PhD Scholarship: Atmospheric Chemistry at University of Wollongong
The Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry (CAC) in the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health (SMAH) at the University of Wollongong offers opportunities for up to two …
Neil’s V3 blog
After months of waiting and preparation, which included paperwork, training on scientific equipment and a medical examination, I had finally arrived in Hobart where in two …
Max’s V1 resupply blog
Maximilien Desservettaz is on V1 – diary from the Aurora Australis! Today, Saturday 4th of November 2017, is day 7 on voyage 1 from Hobart to …
PhD in Southern Ocean aerosols
Check out the PhD opportunity offered at the University of Melbourne’s Australian German college to study Southern Ocean aerosol. Working with AIRBOX partners and KIT this …
Welcome to our new site!
The airbox site has officially launched. Be on the lookout for more exciting posts and news items.